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Thunderbird S, with "S" standing for "Shadow", is International Rescue's stealth aircraft, piloted by their chief of security Kayo Kyrano.

Although considered an official Thunderbird, TBS is not equipped, or often used, for rescue missions like the main five. Instead, TBS is used for bringing criminals who cause disasters to justice (much like Lady Penelope in FAB 1) and for maintaining the security of International Rescue's agents, equipment, and island base. It will often accompany Thunderbird 1 and 2 to the danger zone if the forces of evil are expected to be there waiting for them, or when they simply need an extra pair of wings.


  • Length: 52 feet
  • Height: 6.1 feet
  • Wingspan: 26 feet
  • Cruising speed: 12,123 mph
  • Maximum speed: 14,789 mph


Thunderbird Shadow has a jet-like appearance, with a long sleek body holding the cockpit in the middle, all black in colour. The back of the body has the folding wings on either side which have postural control nozzles at the end of the wings. In between the body and the wings is the stealth intake that reduces sound when in stealth mode. These stealth intakes hold the thrusters and afterburner extensions on the back of them. The afterburners hold a spoiler-like wing stabiliser that stabilises Thunderbird Shadow in flight. Next to the cockpit, on either side, are multi-purpose launchers. On the top and bottom of are VTOL thrusters that are used for slower and steadier flights, as well as landing on vertical surfaces. Thunderbird Shadow also possesses sensor-defeating electronics and holographic emitters, which prevents detection during stealth missions. Thunderbird Shadow is black in colour, with silver detailing at the front of the wings and wing stabilisers, and red detailing around the cockpit. On the nose of the jet, in front of the cockpit, and next to the cockpit, ‘THUNDERBIRD S’ is in white. ‘TBS’ is in white on the top of the wings and ‘INTERNATIONAL RESCUE’ is on the side of the wing stabiliser in white.


Thunderbird Shadow’s cockpit is in the middle of the body and has an oval-like shape. At the centre of the cockpit is the pilot seat. In front of the pilot seat is a wheel that controls the direction and altitude of the jet. The buttons on the wheel control the grappling claws on the underside of the jet. On the left of the pilot is a lever that controls the speed of Thunderbird Shadow, with the lever on the right controlling the lowering of the motorcycle cockpit. Underneath these levers are four buttons each. The buttons on the left of the pilot control the multi-purpose launcher, and the buttons on the right control the cables and camouflage of Thunderbird Shadow.


TBS was designed specifically for stealth capabilities, and can fly extremely quietly with incredible agility. Designed and built borrowing designs of combat aircraft, and equipped with vernier nozzles on both the topside and underside of its thrusters, Thunderbird Shadow is the most manoeuvrable and agile of all the Thunderbirds; fully capable of dog fights despite being a rescue vessel. Its ability to seemingly appear and disappear like a shadow has led to the craft being aptly named "Thunderbird Shadow". Its instruments include a light/optic sensor and multi-purpose launchers. The cockpit is actually a motorbike, and can be lowered from the ship belly to be dropped off to the ground in situations where aerial pursuit isn't practical, while remaining in remote control with the main 'body'. True to its name and dedication to stealth, TBS is equipped with two underside claws instead of conventional landing gear, allowing to cling to walls and ceilings, or underneath other aircraft. Thunderbird Shadow also carries built-in cloaking technology, allowing it to become completely invisible both to the naked eye and on radar.

In Power Play, Thunderbird Shadow's engines are upgraded, allowing it to carry one of Thunderbird 2's modules to a danger zone in order to deliver new equipment in the event that the contents of the original module were inadequate for an escalating rescue situation.


Shadow Bike[]

Thunderbird Shadow’ cockpit is also a high speed stealth motorbike, named the Shadow Bike. In order to keep the cockpit upright, the two wheels underneath are wider than what would be found on a usual motorbike. The Shadow Bike has a silver spoiler at the back, which is used to help keep it in place of Thunderbird Shadow’s fuselage, as well as the platform under the motorbike, that lowers it. The Shadow Bike is mainly black with red detailing around the cockpit’s canopy. On the sides, just under the exhausts, ‘THUNDERBIRD S’ is in white. To launch, Kayo pushes the button on the right hand side of the control wheel to activate Thunderbird Shadow’s landing procedure. This makes the Artificial Intelligence find a place nearby for Thunderbird Shadow to launch. Once the jet is in place, Kayo pulls the lever on right down fully, which retracts the motorbike’s spoiler, and lowers the platform under the cockpit which brings the Shadow Bike under Thunderbird Shadow’s fuselage. Kayo will then push the lever on her left up fully, and drive forward, off the platform.

Grappling Claws[]


TBS uses its claws to attach onto a cliff

Thunderbird Shadow can cling onto walls, ceilings and other surfaces using its grappling claws. Though they are meant for the craft to land on any surface, Kayo has used them to carry objects.

Electromagnetic Cables[]

GOKIDS PowerPlay NoLogo04393

TBS grapples and hoists one of TB2's modules

Thunderbird Shadow has electromagnetic cables. When Brains upgraded the engines in Power Play, the craft was able to carry one of Thunderbird 2's modules with them.

Optical Camouflage (Cloaking Mode)[]

Also known as Stealth Mode, Thunderbird S can become invisible to the naked eye and on a radar at the flick of a switch. This is seen in Earthbreaker and Icarus.

Electronic Control Discs[]

First seen in SOS Part 2. It is shown that if even one control disc is attached to a vehicle, Thunderbird S can take control of it, so long as they are within effective range.

Launch Sequence[]

Main article: Thunderbird Shadow/Launch Sequence

Kayo sits on the co-pilot seat in the lounge, with the pilot seat on her left. The two seats lower to the Thunderbird 3 and Thunderbird S launch tube, which Kayo is taken along via a trolley. At the end of this launch tube, the seats are rotated 90° clockwise so that Kayo is facing the two separate launch tubes at the end of the one she is currently in. The pilot seat is taken into the launch tube on the left, while the co-pilot seat is taken into the launch tube on the right. With Kayo now in her own launch tube, her flight suit and boots are attached to her by robotic arms with her personally clipping in her belt and putting on her jacket and gauntlets, all while the seat is rotated 180° so that she exits the launch tube backwards. The co-pilot seat is lowered in the Shadow Bike’s storage room. Kayo then gets out of the seat, jumps into the Shadow Bike, powers it in, and drives it along the launch tunnel. At the end of the launch tunnel, Kayo stops the Shadow Bike so that it can be rotated 90° and raised into Thunderbird Shadow. With the two locked in, the craft is carried backwards up a wall via a set of rails. Once Thunderbird Shadow is at the top of the rails, the wall section rotates 180° so that the craft is outside. Thunderbird Shadow is then rotated 180° so that it faces upwards, while Kayo unfolds the jet’s wings.


Thunderbirds Are Go - Thunderbird Shadow Launch


Main article: /Missions


Concept Images[]


  • Thunderbird Shadow was designed by Shoji Kawamori, best known for creating the Macross franchise. One notable homage to the Macross series being the fact that TBS has grappling claws instead of conventional landing gear, resembling legs of actual birds, making it strikingly similar to GERWALK mode of the variable fighter craft from the Macross series when deployed.
  • Early sketches of Thunderbird Shadow bear a striking similarity in design to the alternate mode of Cyclonus, an evil Decepticon from the original Transformers series in the 1980's. Incidentally, Kawamori designed many of the original Diaclone toys which would go on to become part of the Transformers line.
  • Thunderbird Shadow has its name as Thunderbird S along the front end of its fuselage and on the portside of the cockpit. Confusingly however, its Vivid Imaginations model also has its name on the starboard side of the cockpit, which is never shown in the television series.
  • It is technically the counterpart of the Ladybird Jet from the original series, as that plane belonged to Kayo's counterpart Tin-Tin. However, unlike Thunderbird Shadow, the Ladybird Jet was not considered a Thunderbird, or even an International Rescue vehicle.
    • Thunderbird Shadow could also be considered the counterpart to Thunderbird 6, as it is the sixth Thunderbird, so to speak. However, Brains was the pilot of Thunderbird 6, although Tin-Tin could fly it, very well in fact.
  • Although it was never physically seen, it can be assumed that Thunderbird Shadow has some kind of additional seating for passengers as it was mentioned during Chain of Command, when Brains needed Kayo to give him a ride to a previous accident scene to investigate it for any signs of tampering.