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"The Stately Homes Robberies" is the third and final of The Anniversary Episodes, successfully funded through Kickstarter on August 9th 2015.

The Stately Homes Robberies is an adaptation of The Stately Homes Robberies Featuring Lady Penelope And Parker, a vinyl record originally released in 1966. Unlike the previous episodes, this one takes far more liberty in adapting its source material, significantly modifying the ending of the story to include a rescue.


Stately homes across England are being targeted for their precious jewel collections. The villains will stop at nothing to complete their task. Their next victim? Lady Penelope. Can she and Parker, with help from Virgil and Gordon Tracy, thwart their diabolical plan?

Voice Cast[]

Regular Characters[]

Guest Characters[]

International Rescue Equipment Used[]

Non-International Rescue Equipment Used[]



The story is set in 2025

Additional Dialogue[]

This episode contains a number of lines of dialogue not found in the original Century 21 audio-story. The audio for them was lifted from various season 1 and season 2 episodes...

  • Jeff saying "OK, away you go, there's very little time" was taken from The Mighty Atom; and "Lady Penelope's in real trouble" from The Man From MI.5.
  • Also from The Mighty Atom is Scott's dialogue: "This is Thunderbird 1 to International Rescue. Have arrived at danger zone."
  • Jeff's instructions to Scott, to "scan the area electronically," came from Operation Crash-Dive.
  • Virgil's lines "Approaching danger zone. About to launch Thunderbird 4" and "OK, Gordon, take up your position" are from The Man From MI.5. "Thunderbird 2 calling Penelope. Come in, Penelope" was lifted from The Cham-Cham; and "Do you read me?" from Danger At Ocean Deep.
  • Scott's line "You've got to locate them within the next two minutes!" is from Terror In New York City; while "Gordon! What's going on? Answer, please!" comes from Operation Crash-Dive. ("Gordon, do you hear me?" also comes from Terror In New York City.)
  • Gordon's response, "All right, no panic," was adapted from his original dialogue in Attack of the Alligators! ("All right, Virgil. No panic.").
  • Lady Penelope's lines, "Right, let's get after him" and "For one thing, you wouldn't succeed, and for another, there's no need," were taken from, respectively, The Duchess Assignment and Brink of Disaster.
  • In the scene in which Gordon is at the bomb inside the Tower of London, Scott quotes (over the radio): "To defuse the bomb, you must connect the green and yellow terminal. Repeat! Green and yellow terminal!" That line was newly recorded by Justin T. Lee.


  • When Parker's driving FAB 1, he's not wearing any hat in the closeups. In the long shots, however, he does have a hat on his head.
  • The buttons on Dawkins' jacket are on the wrong side!
  • In the stock footage, Gordon has brown hair; whereas in the new footage, Gordon has blonde hair.
  • Lady Penelope tells Parker to handcuff Mr. Charles and Dawkins "to the railings", which would've most likely taken place inside the Tower of London in the original audio vinyl. However, due to new additional footage made for the adaptation, Mr. Charles and Dawkins were actually amongst the wreckage of their helijet when Lady Penelope told Parker that very line.