"The Abominable Snowman" is the second of The Anniversary Episodes, successfully funded through Kickstarter on August 9, 2015. It is an visualization of the 1960s audio story F.A.B..
When reports come in from the Himalayas of kidnappings carried out by the Abominable Snowman, International Rescue sends Lady Penelope to investigate. She soon reveals the dark truth, and finds herself a prisoner of the Hood — who will stop at nothing to get the secrets of the Thunderbird machines. Can International Rescue save Penelope in time?
- Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward: Sylvia Anderson
- John Tracy: Ray Barrett
- Jeff Tracy: Peter Dyneley
- Scott Tracy: Shane Rimmer
- Parker: David Graham
- The Hood: Ray Barrett
- Virgil Tracy: David Holliday
International Rescue Equipment Used[]
Non-International Rescue Equipment Used[]
- Gallup Din's puppet was modeled on British comedian and actor Sanjeev Bhaskar, with his blessing.
- The stock footage of Virgil was taken from the following episodes: Pit of Peril, Edge of Impact, Day of Disaster and Brink of Disaster.
- Although conventionally the second episode, The abominable Snowman was the first of the Anniversary Episodes to have been made.
- John appears via archival footage, updated with "new" dialogue (taken from F.A.B.).
- Alan, Brains and Gordon all make appearances (but don't speak) in this episode.
- The shot of Scott inside Thunderbird 1, searching the mountainous terrain for the missing Skicopter, is a reused clip from The Uninvited - when he was searching the desert for the archaeologists' Jeep. The obvious difference is the snow that was added.
- At the Skicopter base, a tiny Fireflash can be spotted in the background.
- This episode features the first-ever footage of Thunderbird 2 actually lowering itself onto Pod 2 inside its hangar. This shot was created by digitally altering a scene from Trapped in the Sky.

The lowering scene in Trapped in the Sky (r.)
Additional Dialogue[]
The main characters in this episode have a number of lines of dialogue not found in the original Century 21 audio-story. The audio for those lines was lifted from various season 1 TV episodes:
- The audio for Scott's query "What is your estimated time of arrival at danger zone?" is from Terror In New York City.
- Virgil's reply, "Be with you in five minutes," is from City of Fire. "This is Thunderbird 2 to Thunderbird 1. Approaching danger zone" was lifted from Edge Of Impact.
- Scott saying "OK, Virg, here's your brief" is from The Duchess Assignment, as is his next line: "Hey, Virgil! Virgil, you've gotta hurry it up!"
- Jeff's line, "Virgil, away you go," and Virgil's response, "Right, father," were both lifted from Trapped in the Sky.
- The audio for Scott's line "Let's get out of here!" seconds later was lifted from The Uninvited - as was "Thunderbird 2 from Scott Tracy. Calling Thunderbird 2" and Virgil's response, "Go ahead, Scott."
- End Of The Road and The Uninvited sourced the tense exchange between Scott ("Pull away, Virgil!" and "Regain height and keep away") and Virgil ("But, but Scott!").
- During the Hood's escape attempt, he utters a sentence that is found neither in the original audio-story, nor in any of the classic episodes: "You will never escape this icy and eternal grave." It is not known which voice actor voiced this line. The same goes for Scott's line "The cave's about to blow up!" However, as Scott's voice is noticeably different from Shane Rimmer's voice, most likely it was Justin T. Lee who, some six years later, voiced Scott and the Hood in Terror from the Stars.
Publicity Stills[]
During the time the episode was in production, a number of stills were released to the public.