- "I never wanted to be in this crazy film anyway!"
— Too late to back out now.
Slim was one of the two actors who appeared in Morty Goldheimer's latest film, A Martian Invasion. For the role, he played a policeman sent to check out the rumoured landing of a flying saucer in the desert.
(To be added)
Powers and Abilities[]
A fine actor in his own right, Slim was able to bring a convincing performance. And while this may be a good thing, Slim balances it out by having a major weakness; the fact it became all too apparent during the film's attempted sabotage that he cannot swim.
Unfortunately, the details of Slim's contract meant he could only appear in one production; Martian Invasion, the second episode of Turbocharged Thunderbirds.
Interesting Info[]
- Slim was one of the rare cases where a character from Thunderbirds retained their original name for Turbocharged. In the former, he was voiced by Matt Zimmerman.
- It is unclear as to whether Slim was the actor's real name, or the character he played.
- Since actor Dan Castellaneta performed both characters, Slim's voice sounds frighteningly familiar to Louie from long-running animated television series The Simpsons.
- Ironically, this similarity led to Frank Sivero (the actor who Louie was based off filing a lawsuit against Fox for over $250 million.
Foreign Name[]
- Japanese: Slim (スリム)