- "I'm gonna find out who fixed those explosive charges, and I'll, fix, HIM!"
— A performance surely worthy of an Oscar, or whatever acting awards they give on Thunderworld.
Maguire was one of two actors who appeared in Morty Goldheimer's latest film, A Martian Invasion. For the role, he played a policeman sent to check out the rumoured landing of a flying saucer in the desert.
(To be added)
Powers and abilities[]
Maguire's greatest ability is keeping calm under pressure, especially after he and Slim became trapped in the cavern. His sense of smell is questionable, for he mistook the odour of a smoke machine for a delicious barbecue.
Maguire's movie career took a terrible crash-dive after being typecast for his role in Martian Invasion, the second episode of Turbocharged Thunderbirds.
Interesting Info[]
- Maguire was one of the rare cases where a character from Thunderbirds retained their original name for Turbocharged. In the former, he was voiced by David Graham.
Foreign Name[]
- Japanese: Maguire (マクガイア)