Thunderbirds Wiki
Thunderbirds Wiki
Graffton Gang

The Grafton Gang in prison. From left to right: Grafton, Doolan, Selsden, the 2nd investor, Malloy and Hugo.

The Grafton Gang is the organisation behind the Pacific Atlantic Monorail Corporation, an ill-fated business venture hatched by Warren Grafton and his band of crooks. It appears in Brink of Disaster.

The monorail was designed to be fully automated without any crew aboard. Although they managed to raise 21 of of the 40 million dollars needed, and with 500 miles of track already completed (despite having no government approvals), the substandard conditions of the system ultimately led to the company's demise when an accident destroyed a sizeable portion of the track, requiring International Rescue to recover the carriage containing the passengers. With some of the gang having attempted to rob Lady Penelope's manor, this resulted in a lengthy jail sentence for Grafton's gang.

Members of the gang were: Warren Grafton, Doolan, Selsden, Harry Malloy, Hugo and an unnamed investor.
