Thunderbirds Wiki
Thunderbirds Wiki

Following Brains' developing of a Personal Transmitter - one that, when swallowed, could be useful in emergency situations when someone was captured, and couldn't contact base - he sought to further refine and improve it. The result: a new, even-tinier version, and could even be flavoured, to aid with swallowing.

He also invented a Transmitter Dissolver solution, that could be taken like a medicine.

Located behind Alan's portrait in the Tracy Villa portrait gallery, a hidden monitor screen could track the transmitter's activity, once swallowed...

A Missing Transmitter...[]

In-between missions one day, in Day of Disaster, the Tracy brothers were relaxing in the lounge when Grandma came in and announced she'd lost her personal edible transmitter - with that nice raspberry flavor she liked!

"I remember seeing it on the kitchen shelf when I was fixing the apple pie for lunch," she tells her son, Jeff, "but now, oh dear, it's gone!" And so's that apple pie - so, someone must have inadvertently swallowed Grandma's transmitter. But who?

Alan takes himself out of the running, by noting he'd had a light lunch. Jeff brings up the tracking monitor, which registers a bright blinking red light in the lounge area. He sends each of Alan's brothers out of the room, one at a time, surmising that red light will "follow" the culprit elsewhere. "I'd know if I'd swallowed a transmitter!" Gordon protests when it's his turn; alas, to no avail...

But that little red light keeps brightly pulsing along, and quite motionless too...

Tin-Tin, in the interim, has prepared the Transmitter Dissolver per Brains' instructions; as she comes into the lounge with it, only Alan - and Jeff - remain!

Jeff's rather chagrinned, as he realizes what's happened. "I'll go quietly," he tells Tin-Tin, as the pair of them exit. Behind them, Alan couldn't resist a quiet little laugh...
