Thunderbirds Wiki
Thunderbirds Wiki

Mind The Gap!

"Yeah. Sure makes a change from being up in space."

London Calling...[]

In Vault of Death, a call for help sends Alan, travelling with Virgil on board Thunderbird 2, to London.

Once on the scene, though, they discover that rescuing employee Lambert - trapped inside the Bank of England vault - won't be quite as straightforward as they'd thought...

Grandma to the Rescue![]

From aboard Thunderbird 5, John reports in to Tracy Island that owing to the danger zone's urban location - and its dense subterranean infrastructure - the original plan of using the Mole to rescue Lambert cannot be pursued. An alternative method must be found, before Lambert suffocates in the air-tight vault!

And it's Grandma, who comes up with one: she suggests that her grandsons gain access to the Vault from underneath the bank, via the old disused subway system known as the London Underground - which she remembers her grandmother talking about when she was a little girl...

At Mobile Control, Scott obtains a map of the old tunnels; and Virgil and Alan set off on their hoverbikes, descending into the underground tunnels...and, sure enough, they find their way to the Bank station. From there, they're at last able to use explosives to break into the bank, and rescue Lambert!
