"Chaos Part 1" is the first episode of Thunderbirds Are Go! season 3. It was broadcast on the 31st of March 2018 in the UK.
The Hood's newly formed Chaos Crew are creating chaos across the globe and International Rescue have their hands full. After one such rescue, the GDF begin testing a squadron of automated machines - known as R.O. BOTS - to assist with low priority rescues. Virgil and Gordon test the bot out in a frigid Arctic rescue while Kayo and newly assigned GDF agent Captain Rigby go after Havoc.
Regular Cast[]
- Scott Tracy, Alan Tracy - Rasmus Hardiker
- Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy - David Menkin
- John Tracy - Thomas Brodie-Sangster
- Brains - Kayvan Novak
- Kayo - Angel Coulby
- Lady Penelope - Rosamund Pike
- Colonel Casey - Adjoa Andoh
- The Hood - Andres Williams
- Fuse - Craig Stein
- Havoc - Aimee-Ffion Edwards
- Captain Wayne Rigby - Marc Silk
Guest Cast[]
- Trapped Worker - Marc Silk
- Arctic Operator - Shelley Longworth
- Scott: "But, whatever this - thing - is, it’s using my line!"
- Virgil: "With the Chaos Crew on the loose, we could use all the help we can get."
Gordon: "Then the GDF should stay focused on catching them and leave the rescue stuff to the professionals!"
Alan: "Yeah, professionals!" (belches) "Oh, sorry, shouldn't have that third hotdog."
- Gordon: "Are you sure this is a good idea, Virgil?"
Virgil: "What better way to check these things out than up close and personal?"
Gordon: "I don't know, bro. It keeps looking at me funny."
Virgil: "It's not, Gordon."
Gordon: "I don't think he likes me."
Virgil: "It has no feelings, Gordon."
Gordon: "I got my eyes on you, pal. He winked at me!"
- The Hood: "Then the GDF are about to find out why we call her 'Havoc'!"
- Havoc: "Hey! Can I get a milkshake in here?"
International Rescue Equipment Used[]
- Thunderbird 1
- Thunderbird 2 (Module 4)
- Thunderbird 3 (cameo)
- Thunderbird 4
- Thunderbird 5
- Thunderbird Shadow
Non International Rescue Equipment Used[]
- This episode introduces the Chaos Crew, its members Havoc and Fuse, as well as their vehicles Spoiler, Basher and Chaos Cruiser.
- This episode reuses assets from Undercover and Fight or Flight.
- This is the first episode in which Lady Penelope appears without Parker.