The 3E Submarine was a mini-submarine owned by the Hood, seen in Desperate Intruder. He used it as a base of operations to observe the treasure hunting expedition.
Technical Data[]
- Beam: 3 metres
- Displacement: 23,586 kilograms (submerged), 13,607 kilograms (surface)
- Length: 11 metres
- Power: 1 water-cooled atomic fusion reactor
- Speed: 45 knots
Unloading Procedure[]

3E sub with transport truck
- Main article: Submarine Transport Truck
Sub Interiors[]
Periscope, Video Scan and Photoscope[]
The submarine has a built-in periscope and video scan, enabling the Hood to keep watch while it is submerged. He can also convert the periscope into a photoscope to record all the data he can see.
Desperate Intruder[]
Treasure Hunter[]
When the Hood learns that International Rescue are heading to Lake Anasta to find treasure, he heads there in his truck carrying the submarine.
Destruction of the Mini Sub[]
When Thunderbird 4 arrives, the Hood fires a torpedo at it from his submarine, but he misses. He fires again, and scores a hit. Thunderbird 4 isn't damaged inside, and Gordon Tracy turns around to go after the Hood. The Hood retreats, but Gordon fires a missile at his submarine and the engines flood. The submarine sinks and explodes, but the Hood manages to escape in time.
At least two cutaways of the 3E Submarine exist. Illustrated by Graham Bleathman, one appears in The International Rescue Book of Thunderbirds: FAB Cross-sections, and a second appeared in an issue of the Redan comic series.

Toy version seen in The Man from M.I.5.
- An RC toy version of it is seen in the pool scene in The Man From MI.5. This "toy version" is of course the same model that was used to film all the exterior shots of the 3E submarine.
- Confusingly, the submarine reads "3E" on its portside, whilst it reads "E3" on its starboard side.